Remote Guidelines

Guidelines for Remote Instruction

Guidelines for Remote Instruction: 

  • Attendance will be taken during the first live lesson each day.  The child must be present for the first live lesson to be marked present. 
  • Each day, students should check the stream and the classwork tab in Google Classroom.  Assignments and Announcements will be posted each day. 
  • Students should remain muted unless speaking. 
  • Please keep background noises to a minimum. 
  • Please limit special guests, such as pets, siblings, and toys.  The lessons are designed for our students and only the student should be visible on the screen. 
  • Students should stay in one spot with their device. Moving around can make it difficult for other students to focus. 
  • Please remember that the camera view may be wider than you expected so be sure to dress appropriately if you are in view of the camera. 
  • The chat box and the stream are used for instructional purposes only. 
  • Please do not record or take pictures of the lesson. This is a violation of the other students’ privacy rights. 

*These rules apply to Fully Remote and Blended Remote